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davebro3 | 17:16 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

If you HAD to sing a karaoke song - which would you pick?



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// Who is that comment for, mushroom? //

NJ, Barry. I don't think Sid ever tried his voice on 16 tons.

Mine would be Johnny Cash a thing Called Love or my grandsons like me doing You've Got To Pick a Pocket or Two from Oliver.

For weeks on end, the guy who ran the karoke at my local club would try and get me up on stage. I always rebuffed him by saying, "When you can get hold of 'In A Gadda Da Vida' by Iron Butterfly, i'll get up." Of course, i believed he'd never be able to get a karoke version of that song, which is 17 minutes long, with much of it instrumental.

So, imagine my surprise one Saturday evening when he said he had it and invited me on stage to sing it. I'd already had a few pints of Dutch Courage, so i got up on stage. Only to hear the opening bars of Black Sabbath's Paranoid.

So, in the style of dear old Ozzy, i belted out the number and, surprisingly, my performance went down so well that i was asked to perform it most Saturday evenings.

Whatever was requested.

"Sixteen Tons."

Tennessee Ernie Ford, IIRC. My grandfather had a copy of that on a shellac "78". My grandmother "accidentally" sat on it.

I normally do TGGGOH.

You are correct, NJ

That's probably what the punters do when you've finished, TTT 

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