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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:38 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Keep getting logged out of AB, no idea why. This happened a few months ago too - every time I write anything and click enter it logs me out. Grrrr. 
Anyway, am just about packed for my weekend - need to leave here at 10am to get cab to station. This journey is only half of the one to Devon so shud be a doddle lol.Meant to be meeting up with a few of them this eve so hopefully shud be at hotel early enough to have an hour or two to chill out first.

What are we all up to today then? Any weekend plans too?



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Have a good evening, more fun than meetings. Many years since I was doing  similar.

Down in the dumps here, another hitch in our moving chain, getting worried as our buyer is getting restless and it will not be until later next week before we hear any more.   Have to wait while they find out if it is serious or not.

Good morning, glorious sunny day here. I am going to do what I call "the heavy washing", that is towels and bedding in the hope it will dry today.

Sorry about the move ubasses, they say that it was one of the most stressful times in life. I have moved twice in and forty years, and hopefully not again. Good luck.

Morning all, absolutely beautiful morning here, I am tempted to go out in the garden and do a bit more cutting back. Gardener lady coming this afternoon to do the heavier stuff I can't manage. No chance of any digging at the moment, the ground is like concrete. That will come later after a few good rains.
Have a good day all, and enjoy your weekend away Smow. 😀

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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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