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My Radio Alarm Sounded This Morning...

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sandyRoe | 11:31 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

... and in that strange place between dreams and reality I thought I heard part of a discussion on a television programme about a flatulent spy played by Gary Oldman.

Was this the tail end of a nightmare or is there such a programme being aired?



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You didn't imagine it, sandy

This sounds like Slow Horses tv series?

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Thank you both.

As it's on Apple TV I'll not be able to watch it.

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Ta, Lacuna bless

You are missing a brilliant series, Sandy. The books by Mick Herron, on which the series is based (and adheres to), are a great read, too.

no you did not dleam  ( if you dont have a dleam you cant have a dleam come tloo ! Captain fantastic and South Pacific)

I thought of it and wondered where it as ( Apple)

MI5 reject are put in the slow horses division and supervised in useless tasks by the flatulent Gary O. He calls them ' the rejects'


SOE 1941-45 had late rejects - but what to do with the silent killers who werent quite up to it? They were sent to a special school, where they rehearsed more and more things ( productivity set at zero) and forgot the important bits.....

Here's a taster;



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I'll look for the books.

Captain sensible I think pp

Ps  it's a great program

There's 8 of 'em Sandy. If you intebd to read them, best to do so in order.

Good afternoon,

It is a fantastic series.

The new season is starting in the next fortnight, if you leave it a month you could get a free trial of a month and binge the whole lot and it won't cost you a bean.

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