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Was It Whispering At Night Or Something?

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Untitled | 08:34 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers

starmer's biographer has claimed that he has removed thatcher's portrait from the PM's residence


In a conversation first reported by Glasgow's Herald newspaper, Mr Baldwin said Sir Keir told him the study was a "place where we can go and have a quiet talk".

He told his audience: "We sat there, and I go: 'It's a bit unsettling with her staring down at you like that, isn't it?'"

He said the prime minister issued a one-word response: "Yeah."

Mr Baldwin said he then asked if Sir Keir would "get rid of" the portrait, prompting a nod from Starmer. He then added: "And he has.""

certainly sounds unsettling to me! 




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i don't think you have to dislike margaret thatcher to not want her looming over you in a dark and quiet study. perhaps the previous PMs never noticed because they never did any work. 

I guess it was one left from when Three-Time Tony was there- As he said, "I always thought my job was to build on some of the things Thatcher had done rather than reverse them."

Now we have Captain Hindsight at the helm, he doesn't want remind of successful PM's on his wall.

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I suppose any pictures of our previous five prime ministers are safe then Spungle

6, I think you mean, Untitled!

Just demonstrates what an inadequate prick he is.

Once again Starmer puts his foot in it and (IMHO) alienates ex-tory voters.  I wonder what his next trick will be. 

Well yes DD but also shows his own insecurities.

I guess if you were Starmer would you want a very successful PM looking down at you when you know you are totally out of your depth?

12:24 BA right there!

anyway it's good to see untitled back, he's been absent for a while probably a bit embarrassed at what a mess Labour have made in a few weeks.

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why would i be embarrassed? i didn't vote labour and have never liked starmer. 

well I had you down as labour voter and general lefty so I'd have thought you were pleaseed they won and perhaps less pleased when they started doing things.

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keir starmer is a red tory. you said so yourself before the election... his recent speech about the budget was exactly the same message as george osborne was delivering 14 years ago. i voted green because i think starmer is a liar. 

"keir starmer is a red tory. you said so yourself before the election... " - never said that.

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didn't you say something about him "becoming the tories in order to beat the tories"? or was that someone else ?

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