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Peugeot 308 2017. Stop Driving Lit Up

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pulmicort1415 | 19:42 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Motoring
22 Answers

Driving today. Luckily in slow traffic.

Screen lit up.



Pulled in and waited few minutes with engine OFF.

After few minutes started again and drove home with no further messages.

Couple hours later again same thing. Luckily again in slow traffic.

Any ideas please



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Thanks for update/feedback. Such courtesy is often missed.

It's well worth checking that the radiator cooling fan is operating properly. If it fails to switch on in slow traffic the engine will start to overheat and you will get the sort of message that you got. When you get home sometime leave the engine running for a couple of minutes and you should hear the fan run; if it doesn't there's your problem. It might not show up as an error on the computer because the warning system worked. I had this problem on a Cavalier some years ago; I replaced the radiator switch and also put a manual by-pass system in just in case the switch failed again.

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