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We Have Tickets To The Reunion Of The Century

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curlyfries81 | 21:37 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Woop woop. 

It's definitely softened the blow regards flying home tomorrow. 



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What! the teletubbies are getting back together wooo-hooo.

Question Author

No, but if I hear of a TT reunion I'll be sure to let you know 😉

Cheers 🍻

Rather you than me.

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To each their own, Boto. I'll be getting a trip to Edinburgh thrown in so very much looking forward to it. 

Cheers, Arksided

I see Oasis tickets are reselling for £6000


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Anybody who pays that price ought to be ashamed. 

We wouldn't sell our tickets for any price. 

Is the Edinburgh trip paŕt of the deal?

Question Author

Yes, Hazlinny. The other options included Cardiff, Wembley and Dublin but we fancied Edinburgh.

Edinburgh will be so busy as the concerts clash with the Fringe Festival. Anyway, enjoy.  🎶

"Anybody who pays that price ought to be ashamed."

I think before they worry about their shame they should contact their nearest head-examiner. 

On the other hand, anybody asking that price (and geting it) should be put forward for the "Entrpreneur of the Year" award.

Six grand is a lot of wedge to lay out on a very average band playing Beatles knock-offs.

I can get scowled at by a swaggering yob for a lot less than that.

You may be looking back in anger there dougie.

The band have issued a warning that any tickets sold on for a profit will be cancelled.

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We Have Tickets To The Reunion Of The Century

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