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In A World Of 'No Fault' Evictions Would It Be Wise For A Tenant To...

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sandyRoe | 08:27 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

... publicly embarrass their landlord, especially if he was just setting out on a new career where the good opinion of the public counts a lot?



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09:10 Sat 31st Aug 2024

bored again sandy?

yeah I think there are safeguards against this - but I cd be wrong.

ignore him Sandy - davebro one liners are even worse than......

I think the MP who initially said - not  me, my agent has now caved -  he is responsible

and I think the reg he fell foul of , is the HMO regs ( house in multiple occupation)

fie alarm not working I think is a criminal offence - reporter careful to say - appears not to work. -- it doesnt work when it does wd be libellous

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I know many of my readers eagerly await my posts here and I don't like to disappoint. them.


me me me - I do

I read every word

Only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.

Well that and the bladder.

sandy seems to swerve-a-mod

whereas I usually fall at the first fence

especially if he was just setting out on a new career where the good opinion - I think he relied on the ( Trump) manoeuvre - "not me mate, see the fella down the  corridor"

works for some

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