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Eye Crossword N0 786

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Matakari | 19:29 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate help, thanks!

12a Uniform: force needs to get rid of unflattering cap (5) : D?E?S  ( DRESS )
16a Italian's *** strained after getting end away (6) : T???B?
28a No longer decline an order to twerk? (6,3) : B?????O?T
17d Maybe Georgia fell about somewhere in the palace? (9) : ??A?????M




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yes- duress  minus U (cap / start of unflattering)

16A Tuscan (anag of *** without the K)

28A Bottom out.

Twerk means 'shake your booty' (i.e. bottom) so you have to get it out to shake  it.

17 state (georgia) room (moor- fell reversed)

the astrisked out bit is presumably the words nut and sack


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Many thanks, all! The last one:
25 With leader changed, scrap crew (5) : E?G?T  ( EIGHT )


Yes, Fight, scrap, becomes Eight, crew, rowers...

Glad I could reassure you, Matakari.

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Eye Crossword N0 786

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