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Read The Dialogue And Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Modals.

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iswarya_410 | 09:31 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
11 Answers

Dad: ______ we go out for dinner tonight?

Charan: Yes, Dad. ________ We go to a restaurant where I _____ have some ice cream.

Dad: OK. Then, I ______ be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you ___ be ready by then.

Charan: Sure. We _______. My friend told me that there is a magic show nearby. ______ you please take us there?

Dad: We ___ not have time to go for the magic show, I suppose. If we have enough time left, we ______ plan.

Charan: By the way, ____________ we inform our gate keeper about our outing?

Dad: Yes, we ___________ so that he ________ be aware we aren’t at home.

Charan: ____________  I call up Mom and tell her about our plan today?

Dad: You _________ to. Otherwise, we might be in trouble when she returns home.

Charan: Hmm… by the time you come home in the evening, we _________ be waiting for you. Hope you __________ be late. Bye.



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1 Will

2 Could...can

3 Will... should 


Gatekeeper eh?

No mention of the punks wallah, either.

This phone sometimes has a mind of its own.

Punka Wallah

Is this your homework?  Why are we doing it? 

Well, the first one has more than one answer --- as, looking at it, so do some of the others.

Grammatically horrendous, and also a bit weird for some examples, but they could all be "will" 😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  

Dad: _Shall_ we go out for dinner tonight?

Charan: Yes, Dad. _Can_ We go to a restaurant where I _can_ have some ice cream.

Dad: OK. Then, I _should_ be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you _both_ be ready by then.

Charan: Sure. We _will_. My friend told me that there is a magic show nearby. _Could_ you please take us there?

Dad: We _might_ not have time to go for the magic show, I suppose. If we have enough time left, we _could_ plan. *to

Charan: By the way, _Should_ we inform our gate keeper about our outing?

Dad: Yes, we _should_ so that he _can_ be aware we aren’t at home.

Charan: _Shall_  I call up Mom and tell her about our plan today?

Dad: You _bloomin well ort_ to. Otherwise, we might be in trouble when she returns home.

Charan: Hmm… by the time you come home in the evening, we _will_ be waiting for you. Hope you _won't_ be late. Bye.

The setter needs a lesson in good grammar that's for sure

This is all about the "correct" use of "will", "shall", "may" and "might".

I know the incorrect use in legal documents can result in unintended meanings and consequences but I have never consciousnessly bothered with it.

I think the only time I use, "shall" is when I think it's time to head off somewhere and even then it comes out as, "Sh'we go?". 

It's a phone conversation so 'Shall' seemed to fit.

TCL, copy and paste as I did I'd love to read your twang filling in the blanks, giving the poster a choice.

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