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There's Talk That The Government Might Introduce...

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sandyRoe | 16:06 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
73 Answers

...further restrictions on where a smoker can indulge his vice.

It seems the puritans in office are out to limit our simple pleasures.

Where WILL we be allowed to smoke?



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If smokers contribute more in taxes than it costs the nhs to treat them so what's the problem?

11:49 every time this comes up you spout the same irrelevant BS. I don't care if it's harmless I don't want to be forced smell and inhale someone's smoke, end of.

11:55 that's BS the costs to the nation of smoking vastly outweigh any income.

dougie: "Motoring AND smoking obviously too cheap if so many of the great unwashed can be seen on our roads," - correct make them £100 a pack, we must be down to the sad addicted dregs who'll pay it by now.

Nah, I'd round them all up and force them to walk into the rotating knives of doom then be fed to the lions down at the safari park.

Fining's too good for them, etc.

It's only BS to you TTT because you know it's true and don't like to admit it. Twas ever thus! 😄

////If smokers contribute more in taxes than it costs the nhs to treat them so what's the problem////

Wow, that's a good philosophy. Let's allow paedophilia, and tax the paedophiles more than it costs to treat the victims. And allow petrolheads to ravage our urban areas as long as we tax them sufficiently to treat those they maim and injure.  Why should we allow the Nanny State to curb these people's enjoyment, as long as they pay for the consequences.

Bit of a non-sequitur there canary. Generally smokers are harming only themselves. I was glad they stopped smoking indoors - it made my clothes smell - but I don't mind it outdoors.

Alcohol probably causes as much ill health as smoking (and also associated bad behaviour, assaults, etc.), why not take more extreme action there? Smokers don't go out on the rampage after a few ciggies!

10cs: "It's only BS to you TTT because you know it's true and don't like to admit it." - No I agree it probably is fairly harmless but that's not the point, why should I have to share in your cocktail of pathogens and endure the smell. That's what you never seem to grasp.

^somebody (3Ts) doesn't know what a "pathogen" is...

perlease I was being ironic, gawd elp us!

^and somebody doesn't know what "ironic" is, either...

A blackfly in your Chardonnay?

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