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Flowers, Plants, Shrubs Quiz

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glenlass | 18:38 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

2. Sore bit on the foot (10)

13 Dazzling survise (7,5) 

16. Put an H for the winner (7) 

21 Hero of London and Paris (7,9)


all answers are flowers, shrubs, plants etc. Didn't give any letters in the clues, only the number of letters. Thank you for any help. 





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scarlet pimpernel  
18:59 Sun 01st Sep 2024

16 C(h)ampion

13 Is 'survise' correct or is it 'surprise'?

2 cornflower

13 morning glory

ahhh! sunrise, then. 😁

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Captain 2 it must be a typo, checked again and it is "survise".  Thank you very much for the answers.

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Still stumped for clue 21 Hero of London and Paris(7,9) 

Scarlet pimpernel

scarlet pimpernel 


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