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Oasis - Sold Out

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naomi24 | 23:51 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

If you were given a ticket, would you go?


if I were given a ticket you'd be welcome to it - free.



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I do like some of their songs but no, It'd be on E-Bay before you could say "whats the story... "

I'm with Arky. Straight into EBay.


Well they do seem to have a few fans. They've sold out 2 gigs in Cardiff, 5 in Manchester, 5 at Wembley, 3 in Edinburgh, and 2 in Dublin. That's close to 1.5 million tickets.


I don't need a ticket. We live quite near to Heaton Park so will get the full gubbins whether we want it or not! 😐

I wouldn't go if they were playing for free in my local pub.

No, I would find someone who enjoys their music and give it to them, regenerating the benevolence of whoever had gifted it to me.

My granddaughter is desperate for a ticket. If you are given one, please let me know 😀

No,I'd give it away. No doubt Ticketmaster would make that difficult though!

I'm going.

Believe it or not though they are not bothered whether those who don't care for them don't go.

That's a bit confusing NMA. I'd don't suppose they give a monkey's who goes as long as the money flows in

How much did you cough up for your ticket?

I was an Oasis fan back in the day.Dont really listen to them now, but a free ticket is a free ticket

Oasis were quite clear about not wanting their proper fans from back in the day to miss out on tickets. We paid £240 for two tickets but heaven knows what we'll have to shell out on flights and a hotel for two nights. 

Never a fan of Noel and Liam, thought they were a pair of arrogant twerps.

I was a Blur fan myself back in the day.

14.19 Curly/  Hotel prices in Edinburgh city will be astronomical, if availabilty, at time of concert which clashes with the Fringe Festival.  Just a suggestion - book an airport hotel as there are trams and buses into city, or try South Queensferry.

Thanks Hazlinny, that is very kind of you. I have actually booked flights and hotel now, 2 nights room only.  

I wouldn't go to see Oasis but I'm not daft, I'd sell my free tickets

No, not for me.

I might go along but only if it was down the road - I wouldn't travel miles for them.  I didn't mind Oasis - not really my kind of thing though.  I prefered Noel Gallagher's band.

I'd prefer Liam Gallagher banned.

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