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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:44 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Well, the downside of battling  thru various  train stations with no lift working, so up & down god knows how many stairs/ etc etc with suitcase, 2 bags etc, is that I can barely move this morning! I think every muscle has siezed up!

Anyway, very  dark, grey & gloomy here this morning, and rain is definitely forecast. And it's the first Monday in September. Where on earth is this year going?? September is a mad birthday month here - we have me, my daughter and my youngest son all in one week for a start! Plus various others the week before. Will need to buy cards in bulk lol.

Hope we all have a fab day, whatever is planned x




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Morning, Smow and all.  Do you not enjoy driving long distance? Public transport is my idea of hell.

We have been on severe weather warning all weekend, with thunder storms, high winds and floods promised.

It rained for 10 minutes, no high winds or thunder. I wonder how many families cancelled their plans.


Morning.  Crikey, Smow.  How much luggage did you take for a couple of days away?  I'm with Barry on  driving.   I can't remember the last time I used public transport - apart from planes.

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 Morning guys. I just ended coming back with more than I took which added to weight. I don't mind driving at all, I just had this hare-brained idea that it would be easier to get the train/s and therefore not worry about being stuck in traffic jams etc etc, having to concentrate on the roads for miles and miles...... but I would definitely drive it nxt time. 

Where was the hotel, Smow?  You said you didn't like the area so I'm curious :) 

Good morning everyone. Dull and cloudy here but not cold.Having spent the weekend expecting torrential rain we had nothing, so going to catch up on the things I put off due to weather.Going for coffee this morning with friend and daughter,looking foward to seeing them as it has been several months. Enjoy your day.

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Morning calda.

barry - it was Coventry lol. I'd never been there before so had no idea or preconceptions about it. ThenMrSmow heard where I was going and said out of all the places he's stayed over the years Coventry is the one town he would never ever stay in again, so that didn't help,lol. Tbh I didn't see much apart from the drive to and from station to hotel.

I go to Coventry now and again, it's not too far from me.  The Blitz Museum in the ruins of  Coventry Cathedral is well worth a visit, as is the 'new' Cathedral.   I agree it is not a tourist destination.

Morning Smow and everyone. Like barry we have been on a severe weather warning, but it never materialised. Amend that, its now tipping it down.

Nothing much planned for today other than a tesco delivery. Have a happy day y'all 

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Morning Rosetta, hope ur well? I shouldnt have laughed as much as I did when I was away & MrSmow messaged me to say that he went to open a fresh sack of cat litter, cut the top open with scissors then when he went to pick it up he dropped it!! All over kitchen floor! But it didn't end there - our cat Daisy saw this, went straight over to it as if to say oh Thanku - this is far more spacious than a litter tray! And proceeded to get comfy ready to have a wee!  Luckily he managed to stop her in time lol, but yes , I did laugh far too hard imagining it all. : )

Poor Daisy, robbed of a decent wee lol. Our old elderly cat used to squat in her litter tray, but unfortunately her bottom was over/outside of it so she had frequent accidents. She was, by this time, over 20 years old so we forgave her

Lucky are those who can drive. Since my permenent ban (medical reason) I have had to use the appalling privatised public transport services. The number of stations with broken lifts in my region is shocking, God help wheelchair users. Coming a close second is stations without working toilets. People like me are forced to use these services so we become a useful cash cow for rich shareholders.  ORR, like all the Regulators, is just another *** useless quango, so there is no redress from the TOC's obscene profiteering.

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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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