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Where Are All The Bad Guys

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Bazile | 11:42 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

Why have we no dangerous animals / reptiles in the wild , compared  to countries like Australia etc 



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We got first pick?

We rendered them locally extinct in the wild (e.g. wolves)

yes we do - even cows kill a few people each year

I prefer a cow to sharks or funnel-web spiders any day 😁

Didnt you see the riots

intentionally hunted to extinction - wolves 1748 I think -  pine martens (scotland) 1895. Bears 1000AD

Brown bears used to roam but we killed them.

We have killed all our dangerous animals, ravaged out natural resources, moulded our land to suit ourselves and not our wildlife but tut tut at other countries that want to do the same

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Where Are All The Bad Guys

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