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Fao Dasherman

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Bazile | 12:29 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Business & Finance
4 Answers


You answered a question I put up  on 27 June 24 about Royal - IDS - Bidco .

Have you received documentation about taking up the offer to sell your shares to Bidco ?



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Yes I have and by the sounds of that question in June, you did at the time?


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Thanks for replying .

At the end of the day I know  it's my decision to sell or not - but what's your opinion - will you be accepting the offer ?

Also do you know if the deadline for acceptance has been extended and if so  - to what date ?

I have accepted the offer.

The reason being is that I expect the deal to go through and potentially holding shares in a delisted company isn't the best situation to be in.

Plus I was given them free as an employee of RM, so whatever I get is a bonus really. I have since left.

I'm not sure there is a definite date to respond, as the government still have to their due diligence and I think the offer is technically open until they've done that.

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Fao Dasherman

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