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Isnt 20 Months A Bit Excessive? 2 Tier Policing?

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nailedit | 14:06 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
36 Answers

The first people to be jailed after the Stoke riots. From the article...

// Deana Evans filmed the incident, shouted and chanted //

Filming, shouting and chanting are not crimes.

//Both attempted to obstruct a police van//

could be a crime  but if these were Just Stop Oil protesters would they have been arrested?

//Evans assaulted a police officer by elbowing him//

Obviously a crime but 20 months???

I once got 8 months for an ABH so 20 months for what is essentialy a common assault seems excessive. Especially when people are been let out of prison early because of overcrowding...





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shouting and chanting are not crimes.

come on come on - they can be - supporting terrorism for a start - and even I suggest " Burn the basturds"

hitting a policeman is always bad news, which I think you already know Nailit

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read about that Togo.


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//hitting a policeman is always bad news, which I think you already know Nailit//

Yes, but never got more than a 4 month jail sentence for it.

20 month seems a bit excessive for an elbow shove?





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//shouting and chanting are not crimes. come on come on - they can be//

No they are not...And niether is filming in a public place.



This all makes me wonder exactly why our newspapers are not broadcasting this information.     Pressure from above?

History has shown that if boils are not lanced - they explode.


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jourdain, the outer skin of the boil hasnt even been lanced yet...



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I'll probably get 2 years for my latest post 😂



Despite making a joke of it, it seems to be going that way...

Sorry you can't read my link. It's a story about recent jso protesters being given 4&5 year jail sentences for non violent offences


Expect to see more of it from him.

Using the Judiciary for political means is a disgrace.

I have to say though some of the sentences for things like lobbing bricks and looting shops are good, if only it was applied equally to all.  Plod are supposed to be without fear or favour, somthing we see lacking here and the Judiciary to match.

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Having read corby's link...

the world has gone mad.

Its about time these JSO protesters were jailed but again, 5 years? What the actual?

When there are violent offenders getting non custodial sentences?

so do you want violent offenders to have jail sentences or not?

your whole thread is based on the premise that the sentences are too long, but then you seem annoyed that violent offenders don't get sent to prison.

those people all pled guilty to violent disorder.

Plod are supposed to be without fear or favour, somthing we see lacking here and the Judiciary to match.

chrissakes get real. Do  they really  look at Curtis Warren, and wonder - oo does he  smoke a spliff or two ?

no -

as a POI ( person of interest) they can do all sorts of  unpleasant things to  him they cant do to  us.

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//so do you want violent offenders to have jail sentences or not?//


Perhaps I havn't made myself clear? Its the lengths of the sentences that I take issue with. The female in the news article may have pled guilty to violent disorder but that 'violence' seems only to have been elbowing a PC. and 20 months for elbowing someone seems, to me, excessive.

//then you seem annoyed that violent offenders don't get sent to prison//


Thats just the point. Some REALLY violent offenders get non custodials while a woman gets 20 month for elbowing.

And as regards the JSO lot, while they are a menace and cause public disruption, a 5 year jail term is not justified.




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