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Cities,Towns And Villages In U.k. - Pitlochry Rotary - Closes 9/11/24

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tollview | 00:27 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

1. Look in the mirror. You see two things to get here (9)

2. A tool for a summer avian visitor (9)

3. Where experts grow up in its shadow (9)

Struggling for ages on last 3 clues - any help much appreciated .....



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2. martin hoe

1. Islip ( eyes/lip ) ?

Sorry, Just seen letter count

1   Tie n mouth ??

3  Braintree ?? 

Question Author

1. Did you mean Teignmouth? Could it also be Tynemouth do think ....?
3. Braintree was on my possible list so many thanks for confirming that

1 could be Eyemouth but wrong letter count

Question Author

Yes Toorak I thought of Eyemouth too but there's been no errors on the quiz so far

Tie n mouth is a  a sounds like for Tynemouth.

Where can I get this quiz from please tollview

Question Author

CONTACT to obtain copy of quiz £2

W J Bright, 27 Fishersview Court, Station Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AN

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Cities,Towns And Villages In U.k. - Pitlochry Rotary - Closes 9/11/24

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