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I am no fan of Labour but it's just a waste of time, for one thing the Labour majority is sufficient to push it through and for another it does not have to go through the house anyway. You cannot govern by committee.

" one believes Labour's 'Chicken Little' strategy."

Chicken Licken

As TTT says although in this case as they were slating the Torys just prior to the election accuing them of wanting to do it it really doesnt look good.


Hardly matters what happens in parliament now, the Commons opposition is emasculated & Labour will force anything it wants to do through the Lords.

It's no wonder people will take to the streets.

Well I think it does, for instance if the opposition party's can put up a viable argument that the Government looses then it undermines them.  Keep doing it and it means they only get one term.

I see the dm have at last found another stooge to propagate their pernicious propaganda.

Labour does what Labour always do.  Oh the joys of a Labour government.  "Things can only get better" they said.

A pedant friend asked me to point out that Chicken Little is not incorrect (aka Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, The Sky is Falling in).  I think Chicken Licken is more commonly used in UK though.

What propoganda Canary?


Are you saying it isnt true?


And other papers are also reporting it

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Labour Set To Block House Of Commons Vote On Plans To Strip The Winter Fuel Allowance

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