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Private Eye Eye Crossword 786 Tuesday September 3Rd 2024

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Athena123 | 18:08 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Help appreciated with last 2:


22 down: Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6).

27 across: Being comparatively sexy, not hard to be a fish-eater (5).


many thanks!



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22 Effort, labour. E from the end of elite, For, wanting (who's for a cirry?) with FT being the Financial Times.   E f  for T.

27 Otter, a fish eater,  Hotter was comparaticvely sexy, drop the H,hard.

27 Otter.

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Private Eye Eye Crossword 786 Tuesday September 3Rd 2024

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