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Matt Baker One Show Return?

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smurfchops | 10:46 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

He was AWFUL on this live show.  Always touching his nose, nervous, reading his notes.  Keep him on the farm!  He is good in Panto as well!



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I never have & never will watch The One Show. These sofa jobs are awful.

I hate this show for the theme tune alone. What is that cacophanous screeching all about?

Pointless having "guests" on for about 5 minutes each merely to plug their latest venture. No insight into anything.


At least it's not Alan Carr.

His laugh is really annoying. 

He's good on Countryfile/farming type programmes. He's okay on the One Show ( I preferred Jermaine Jenas though despite his football pundit grammar "yous done well... you've wrote them books") and thought he worked well with Alex Jones. I can't bear his gymnastics commentary though- OTT for me, sometimes sounds as if he's being strangled.

I wonder if Matt Baker has now learned that the King is referred to as His Majesty?

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Matt Baker One Show Return?

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