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Are you forgetting who you are, Haras2???

Question Author

No Buen but I haven't always been haras2

I started as haras, but some mix up over my email address meant I had to start again.

In view of the thread tonight, I was trying to find out how long I've really been here  😊


9th April 2018 as haras2


Hope this finds you well 


Question Author

Thank you - diolch yn fawr iawn !!

When I hear "diolch yn fawr" I can't say I hear the "l" being pronounced and it sounds like "dyoch" to me.

Is the "l" sounded?

Just seen a few you tube videos and it is sounded.

So long as you aren't here to harass anyone.

or be in Hamas

Who remembers Hans & Lotte Hass (this is going back, to the first TV programme I watched on neighbour's set before we had one)

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