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Classic British War Films.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:29 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
50 Answers

Just watched 633 squadron, again, not my favourite but certainly up there as a classic. What's you favourite British WW2 film?



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The Great Escape (despite it's differences from reality), The Eagle Has Landed, Dunkirk

Oh, add The Dambusters to that list.

The First of the Few

Biggles Pulls it Off.

The earliest war film which included RFC exploits, including pistols at dawn and who blinks first.  Not quite WW2, but stirring stuff from young lads who couldn't even ride a bike in 1914.

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Togs 17:11:

It has the Germans living in an English village, classic.

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I wondered who would pick "The Eagle has landed", thought it would be one of the more obvious 5C.

Yes 3T the classic film Went The Day Well? tells the tale of a rural English village that is stealthily taken over by a small group of invaders. The uninvited incomers are there to pave the way for wholesale invasion and subsequent conquest by an army that is being prepared and trained for that purpose overseas. The newcomers are of course aided and abetted by a small group of traitorous quisling who are posing as faithful Nationals. When the villagers come to realise the mortal danger that the quislings and saboteurs pose, to not just themselves but the whole Nation, they are forced to take action. Some of this necessary action is as violent and deadly as it is uncharachteristic for the horrified formerly mild and peacful villagers, but is the only option left to prevent a National catastrophe. Makes you think.🤔

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yes Togs I found it very thought provoking. I often look around me and wonder who among us would do what is needed in such a situation.

//I wondered who would pick "The Eagle has landed", thought it would be one of the more obvious 5C.//

Jesus wept. I picked it because both Donald Sutherland and Michael Caine (playing against type) are both superb. Try not to bring your pathetic political stereotyping into a discussion about movies, and certainly not your usual abusive terms in my direction, you silly little man.

MargoTester, The Wooden Horse was happening at the same time as The Great Escape, in the same prison camp.

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Classic British War Films.....

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