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Larry The Downing Street Cat Has Seen Governments Fall, Pms Come And Go,...

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sandyRoe | 18:01 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | News
8 Answers a kitten has been brought into the house.

Will Larry be treated with the respect he deserves after his long service, a nice retirement home in the country perhaps?




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They are going to have to employ a full-time doorman to let the three cats in and out several times a day.πŸ˜‚

I hope Larry is okay with the kitten and Starmer's other cat.

If not there could be blood shed in Downing StreetπŸ†

Indeed, Wolf!

Well,if the Labour Party treats Larry the same way it treats other OAPs in the UK,Larry will be thrown into a freezer and told to get on with it.

It's a Siberian, a super chunky fluffy breed, if that pops out to meet the public Larry will be somewhat overshadowed They are truly gorgeous.

Rowan - could she be a Russian spy?

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I wouldn't like to have the job of brushing it

Why did Cameron abandon his cat when he moved out.

Typical  Compassionate Conservatism.


Larry was not Cameron's cat.  He lives and works in Downing Street and looked after by civil servants.

Larry is a better person than most politicians (regardless of party), not that that would be difficult.


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