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St Andrew's Church, Epworth C/D 11/09

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Tuvok | 00:06 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Clues when read together, should sound like a place on the coast of The British Isles
For example

Christmas greenery 5  |  Body part 4 =

Stuck on one:

Complete 4  |  Stare 4  |  Eagle’s nest 5



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Dún Laoghaire

(pronounced as done leerey )

I doff my cap jo, well done.

Hope this finds you well  ; ))  x 


Cheers, Sam.

Yes, thank you. Hoping you are also x

Question Author

I thought of Done and Eerie, but would never have got that, as I've never heard of it to know its pronunciation!

So is it done leer eyrie? It sounds to have an extra EAR to me

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St Andrew's Church, Epworth C/D 11/09

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