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A Different Type Of Stairlift

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barry1010 | 13:18 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | How it Works
7 Answers

This looks useful for some people who need help getting up stairs at home but it is not available in the UK

Too dangerous? 



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i can forsee 2 problems

1) it claims to beOnly 15 cm wide but that is the handle at the side and then obviously the step comes out more than that as well. In the video they have the 15 cm bit at the side and then a fairly wide steps. Most people wouldn't be able to encounter the setup at home
2) people who need stair lifts in my opinion are unlikely to be able to s stand up on a moving platform that's not much bigger than their feet and stay stable

I agree with bebnobs.  That looks positively dangerous for people who are none too steady on their feet.

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It could suit people with angina or COPD who have no trouble standing and balancing but have difficulty climbing stairs. I agree it wouldn't suit many who need stairlifts

amuses me that they often advertise aids for the disabled using models/actors who are obviously NOT disabled...

I think I would prefer a 'through the floor lift' (home elevator.) They do cost a few thousand though, but pretty easy to fit if your house layout is suitable.

A common layout is to have the large (main) bedroom over the sitting room. That's often a good place to fit one.

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I'm not sure I'd trust the lift

I hope this doesn't turn into another lifty bashing thread 😂

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