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How Are My Vocals In This Cover Clip?

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sheminith | 15:04 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Music
16 Answers

I seem to get varying opinions on my vocals depending on the song. How is my singing here? Would appreciate some feedback. Thanks :)




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Your video doesn't work.

Don't give up the day job.

Its a voice clip, works for me.

Thanks, nailedit. If I press the right buttons, I get the right result. However, I agree with Boto.


"Don't give up the day job" is hardly valuable feedback - it would be kinder to give some qualified and knowledgable reason.

you need to go to a voice teacher - at present there is a lot of polishing to do

@15.17 it may be kinder but when has AB been kind all the time?  I could say 'your voice sounds ***'.

Apply for the X Factor...😂

I have no speakers on this machine and so can't listen to your recording but wanted to say,

take on board the constructive comments and ignore the bored sunday-afternoon eejits.

Best of luck.

In a cosy pub, on a folk song evening, after a few pints, you'd be fine.

At best I'd say you're an average (ish) karaoke singer.

Some parts sounded okay, but you wandered a bit off key in places.

Overall I'd say not bad, but it needs polishing  :)

Probably ok for the folk club, or singing Bob Dylon numbers, but IMO needs training for anything more complex.


I reckon anyone can sing, it's more that some have a natural bent for it, others need guidance. There are a lot of voice teachers on YouTube, most covering the same techniques. Why not try watching videos there for a bit, and maybe later treat yourself to a lesson to understand what would advance you best at the stage you're at ?

you need to work on your breathing, & strengthening your lungs, it gives your voice a sort of 'weak' quality which spoils it, you need to sing from your chest/lungs/diaphragm etc, or your head, both sound very different, & you'll choose which depending on the song, but at the moment it seems like youre singing from your throat only.

if you dont know what im on about, look up those types of singing, its hard to explain here.

also maybe sing without playing the guitar as it may be that youre losing focus on singing momentarily while you monitor what your fingers are doing.

combine the two when you can do both so well they dont interfere with each other.

& also learn the lyrics fully - if you havent already.
Again, reading ahead a bit to see what to sing next, while singing can make you lose focus for a second.

I dont know if these are the reasons your voice has a weakness to it, like it runs out of steam at random moments.

Maybe you lose confidence in yourself?
Like someone who has been dragged up to sing at an open mic & theyre terrified & unprepared & slightly angry at being forced to do this. :D

Maybe youre distracted? Kids, TV, cooking etc.

Whatever it is, you need to stop it & do this bit of groundwork.
Loads of backing tracks online, youtube etc.

And yes you will get differing opinions depending on the song - i can well imagine your version of a Proclaimers song, being much better than a Celine Dion song! & im sure Celine wouldnt have anywhere near the same fans if she tried to sing like Pavarotti!
Figure out what kind of voice you have & what type you want to have & focus on that - being a good singer doesnt necessarily mean you can sing anything & be totally fantastic, especially if you sing to mimic the original rather than completely adjusting it for your voice.

There are plenty of singing lessons on youtube too - start from the beggining, dont try to bypass any of it, because unfortunately most of the comments here are actually correct - at the moment! - but youre not tone deaf so you can improve with some effort

good luck


one other little thing - the way you say 'waltzing' is kind of odd. I didnt know what you were saying until you said matilda.
- its like youre rhyming it with an elongated OR, like Worrrltz, & also the W is not very pronounced.

rather than rhyming with ALT, as in the short sound in ALTernative.

no biggie, you may have a reason for it, but it stood out to me as very different to how its usually said.

i don't think that style of song suited your voice ,sorry

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