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Khandro | 12:27 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers

Saxony and Thuringia: Germany resumed flying convicted criminals of Afghan nationality to their home country despite human-rights concerns, days before regional elections in which migration is a big campaign issue. The AfD is predicted to come in first in at least one of the elections, which would give a far-right party the most seats in a state parliament since World War Two. Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised more deportations after a deadly mass stabbing in Solingen. A Syrian man with Islamic State links is the suspect.

Seems be the right thing to do wouldn't you say?



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Oh yes, it is quite sinister, and TTT is right people are now required to have the 'correct' opinion, otherwise you'll be labelled a transphobe.


The irony is that the vast vast majority of people agree that sex is immutable and gender is an opinion, but there's a tiny, but very vocal minority, who don't, and yet their minority voice is the one that's being heard.


It drives me to distraction that JK Rowling in the press is always described as 'Gender Critical' when all she's stating is the truth, but the truth counts for nothing as far as the vocal minority is concerned.


The person in jackthehat's link is very clearly a man, even down to his male pattern baldness, and no amount of spin can change that fact.

.... which is one reason why Sir Keir Starmer has been visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to work with Germany to overcome this problem. But including that fact would of course ruin your private  agenda.

Seriously ?

It's already been demonstrated that Starmer doesn't know what a woman is, so how's he going to be of any help ?

The story was covered by Bild, Khandro. 


What private agenda would that be Canary? I'm keen to understand how you have an insight into something that you describe as "private" and would therefore be, err, private.

TTT is right people are now required to have the 'correct' opinion, otherwise you'll be labelled a transphobe.

AB makes me roar with laughter - TTT the  one who is full of "'5C', lefties, TROB" doesnt like it  when it is applied to him


shoo ! you  naughty thing ! back into your corner ! you will find it on the far right  ! haw haw haw

^^^    ^^^

Are you william joyce in disguise.

".... which is one reason why Sir Keir Starmer has been visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to work with Germany to overcome this problem."

Which problem is it that Mr Starmer is hoping Herr Scholz can help him with? 


Well, NJ, given our PM doesn't know what a woman is, I can only imagine it's to come to an agreement that womanhood is now a construct and is therefore irrelevant.

I don't the relevance of the Bugs Bunny clip...but I really enjoyed it. I forgot how brilliant the Looney Tunes were.

Actually, I have just got it.


Kudos Doug, well played.

when referring to a man (who is very clearly a man) as a man

we are talking about stabby-stabby in Solingen arent we? - - perhaps not: my head hurts

when referring to a man (who is very clearly a man) as a man

we are talking about stabby-stabby in Solingen arent we? - - perhaps not: my head hurts

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