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Genius Crossword N0 255 By Soup

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Matakari | 19:15 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
37 Answers

Good evening, a Soup offering that looks interesting as far as discovering anagrams is concerned. Help with the following would certainly help me to know if I’m on the right track. Many thanks in advance!

( PREAMBLE: Competition submissions should give grid entries, each of which is an anagram of the solution to its corresponding clue. )


12a Fairytale girl’s half in tattered dress, almost cut away (9) : ????????O

16a After run-in, Relate is giving support (7)  : S??????

25a Planning with the aim of reducing unfortunate girl’s acne (9) : E???S????

28a Creepy-crawly shuns river and trees (8)  : ???R????

15d Set one down first immediately, instantly, first of all (9) : U???E???S

18d With the most gravy - or the most salt (8) : ???A???A






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Matakari, I'm very glad I was able to confirm all but one of your suggested answers! (Oh, and glad too that JJ's verdict was exactly the same.)

Matakari, this is advice you probably don't need, but just in case...

I found it easier to work on a corner, or a section at a time. If I had  a word beginning S then two blanks then a T, I'd look at the connecting words and see if I could fit in anagrams of the other answers I had. Once you have three or four slotted it, the others get a little easier - and it also opens up the grid a bit, letting you get on with the next stage. Choose a section where you have got several answers already, and start there...

Question Author

MAny thanks for the advice, NACW! I've got many clued answers, but need to work more at the anagrammed inputs now.

Thanks, Matakari. I think there weren't many areas where there were  too many possible options for slotting words in - most of them were reasonably generous with the intersecting bits. I think the bottom right may be a good option - I know you've got, have been given, answers in that quarter.

18d could be with the most gravy then cheekiest

then anagram it

Question Author

 Thanks, jj109, what is the 9- letter creepy-crawlie in 28a?
My 14a is wrong. What is the clued answer?
( 14a Scoff bird (4) 

Gosh, Matakari, hints aren't doing the trick! 

Woodlouse, drop the Ouse,river, add the And in the clue. Woodland, trees

Rail, scoff, deride etc

Question Author

On the contrary, NACW, the hints have been helping me along quite nicely. Just two left , 5a and 10a for which I now have anagrammed letters. 5a: ?R?A?S and 10a: ?S?R?L
Four other clues, for which I have some anagrammed letter inputs,are giving me some trouble. Help would be appreciated.
1d  Kept braced (6) : S?E???   -   Anagram input letters

4d   They let tears over our late monarch (7) : ??E????  -  Anagram input letters
17d They pluck flapping parish turkeys’ wings (8) : ???R?T?P  - Anagram input letters
23d Lawyer calls to abandon no-platforms (6) : ?S?D?S  -   Anagram input letters
19a A racing trophy? Nice one! (First in Donington in Accord) (7) : ??U?T?D  -  Anagram input letters



Matakari, you say the hints have been helping, but they've obviously not helped enough - you came  back for more  on 28 A, for example! Still, AB has helped with your latest batch, so there can't be much left now.

Question Author

Many thanks, jj109 and NACW, the last hint for 5a was fruitful.
For 23d, I got the abbreviation for lawyer DA, but could not find
the six-letter word calls/dins.
For 10a, my anagram letters are: ?S?R?L
And finally for 27a, I now have anagram letters: H?A?T? and
I recall a previous hint making reference to DEARTH without
the first letter, but I cannot get this to work. I may have gone
astray. Thanks for this last help!

27    Hearts? hearty?

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Thanks, Cashier! But should it not be EARTHY/HEARTY?

Yes, but I was offering words with the letter pattern you gave, not anagrams of words.

Thanks, Matakari. 

27 Lands... the answer is Earths, Dearths, famines, without the first letter. The entry is Hearts.

10 Astral is the entry - from Altars, tables - which would sound like (as instructed) alters...

Matakari, for 23 the 'calls' is Noises, it loses the 'no' and is added to the DA, lawyer. Daises, platforms, which becomes...

Question Author

Thanks again, NACW, I did see these answers, but dismissed them thinking they were too straightforward. You're right, I need to trust my instinct and be more confident. Looking forward to more tender anagrams with Doc's offering!

Thanks, Matakari - I believe you when you say you did see all those answers - but I'm not sure why you rejected some of them, after the pretty generous hints!  

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