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Mobile Phone

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JinnyJoan | 17:41 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Sister's mobile is broke but wants the same - it is a DORO6520.  I have 02 near where I live so am buying this for her myself.  I know nothing about SIMs so do I need her phone for the guy in 02 centre to install.  Thanks for any answers.



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sorry I meant to say - I pay the contract every month - when the guy instals the SIM will the new phone automatically go under the same contract.  

The SIM will need to be put in the new phone. If you want O2 to put the Sim card into the phone you will need the card or the old phone with the card in it or just the SIM card.

If the contract is still valid it will continue or they might offer a new deal


Based on my experience with them, I would think O2 should be able to achieve that (presuming existing contract is with them).  

No harm in going along and discussing it with them, and take the 'phone just in case they need it.

Chris (Buenchico) is well versed in this area and may be along later to clarify.

Ooops, crossed post. Thanks calmck.

She just needs to take the SIM card out of her old phone and pop it in by her new phone, anyone can do it

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barry - we can't do it - too old LOL

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sorry again I meant to say will the SIM contain all her numbers

Yes, it should have her numbers. Hasn't she got a neighbour or friend that can do it?

You need to be aware that the phone is 3G and 02 is switching off 3G next year - it might not work after that.


Usually phone numbers are "saved to Sim" by the phone. To be safe take the old phone with the Sim in it to 02 and have them advise

How much are you paying every month?

Take it to a shop 

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