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Rubber Plant - I Am A New Grower

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Henry1865 | 19:08 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Mine is single stem about 2/3m high. Recently it grew a new leaf in about 10 days and is now sprouting another. Can I get it to branch out? Most of the leaves are at 45 degrees or less. Will they become more horizontal?



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2 to 3 metres high? That's tall for a single stem. As far as I know, you can cut that stem above a growth point and it should branch from there.This looks helpful...,sprout%20on%20down%20the%20stem.
19:19 Wed 04th Sep 2024

2 to 3 metres high? That's tall for a single stem. As far as I know, you can cut that stem above a growth point and it should branch from there.

This looks helpful...,sprout%20on%20down%20the%20stem.

I just let mine grow as it wants. If it gets too wide I cut and try to root it. It is all over the place, turning leaves towards the window where it's light.

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2/3 was intended to signfy two thirds of a metre.

Ahhhh...sorry Henry. So it's really just a baby. I'd let it acclimatise to your home and conditions...and grow a bit more. Maybe cut it in the spring. It may do as O-Gs plant and branch on its own.

Oh...and thanks for BA. 

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