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mp3 players

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bradsbird | 21:49 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
my daughter wants a mp3 player for christmas but i have no idea how they work .please can someone explain?


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MP3 is a compressed music format - it squashes music digitally so it uses very little memory.

You download tracks to your pc - either from existing cds or online. They are converted into MP3 tracks.

You then connect the mp3 player to the pc, usually by usb and copy the tracks to the MP3 player. They are listened to through headphones, or can be connected to a hi-fi for playback, or you can buy seperate speakers.

Once on the MP3 player, the tracks can be deleted, and new tracks added.

The better MP3 players have a hard drive and can hold many thousands of tracks. The cheaper ones are flash memory, like a flash drive for the pc - and can hold 500 tracks or less, depending on the size.

Some MP3 players also play radio. Some play video and many can store photos as well.
The other issue you need to think about is our budget??

and how old your daughter is.

I would say got for a Ipod Nano, just a 2GB hold hundreds of songs is well priced, the Flash Drive MP3 Players are a cheaper option but i dont like them but thats my preference.

Hope this helps.

Best place to buy an Ipod from is Prob. Ebay as there a tad cheaper.
I would strongly advise you NOT to buy your mp3 player from eBay - that is one of the major scam sales on that site.

When you have decided which one you want use any of the price comparison sites to find which reliable store sells it cheapest.

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thanxs very much this has been a great help to me.
Question Author
hi are the sights for down loading music free or do you have to pay for them?can anyone name a few.thanxs.

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mp3 players

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