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What Happened To The Clarity In News "Rule"....

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ToraToraTora | 11:14 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Editor's Blog
24 Answers

It seems only to apply to some of us.

I do actually agree with both these but the headings are very cryptic, I get pulled up all the time over the slightest thing.



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TTT is absolutely right here.
11:42 Thu 05th Sep 2024
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untitled: "I think tora tora tora is being reasonable! that should tell you something!!" - I need a lie down!

12.23 Have a day off instead.

"i think tora tora tora is being reasonable! that should tell you something!!"


It tells us that daytime drinking is a bad thing.

I get pulled up all the time over the slightest thing.

am the one whose innocent little frou-frous get slopped by some big bad mod. and honestly I only post them to  amuse

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