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Strands #186 “Going Underground”

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Ludocruz | 00:21 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers

Strands #186
“Going underground”

Unfortunately nothing to do with The Jam🤣



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The Jam would've been easier. Not heard of two them, one been the last.

Strands #186
“Going underground”


I couldn't get the two at the top of the puzzle. After several attempts and had to Google the answer.  


Forgot to post the results

Strands #186
“Going underground”

I got two with hints and cheated and googled two.  So I managed five on my own😪


Strands #186

“Going underground”




I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with the person that came up with the cactus one yesterday and thinks its an American Beauty.

Question Author

I reckon there's a different compiler each day of the week. The puzzles vary from simple to near impossible with such obscure words and above that some answers seem to be mini-sentences.😝

Strands #186
“Going underground”

Never heard of the last one, but from the letters left it couldn't have been anything else!

Strands #186

“Going underground”




I didn't know two or three of them 

Strands #186

“Going underground”





Strands #186

“Going underground”



Strands #186

“Going underground”



Strands #186
“Going underground”

Strands #186
“Going underground”

A new word for me today.

Strands #186
“Going underground”


OK, I resorted to Mr Google for the odd couple!

Difficult today.

Strands #186
“Going underground”

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Strands #186 “Going Underground”

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