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What Would You Prefer?

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curlyfries81 | 21:14 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

1. A night down the pub?

2. Dinner in a fancy restaurant?

3. An open-air concert?

4. A night curled up on the sofa with a box-set?

5. Something else? (Please specify)



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I'll apologise in advance - I'm going to be a kiljoy. What I would really like is this government and the necessary powers to do something definite about knife crime and the current disrespect for the law in this country. Sorry.


Something else, which is the company of certain friends. Definitely.

Different things on different nights tbh, but at the mo seeing as I'm not drinking alcohol, and struggling a lot with pain, it would be an eve curled up on sofa with a selection of my favourite crime dramas, or maybe a lighthearted  feel good film that I've probably  watched a hundred times, like Mts Doubtfire, but always makes me really laugh. And endless cups of tea and naughty biscuits!

5. An evening at the ballet for me too. Or an orchestral concert playing the music from the ballet. A meal beforehand in a non-fancy restaurant and an ice-cream in the interval. 

That sounds good Maydup.

Meal at a good Italian restaurant before going to a film.

I can't remember the last time I had an evening home, alone.  It would make a lovely change.  Just the one, mind

Is that a good or bad thing  Barry? ( not having an eve alone)

A summer bat walk, then a few nice beers in a country pub

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I'm not into bats myself but am a nature lover, rowanwitch. Nice way to pass the time of day! 

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