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Contemplating Whether To Stay Exploring A Situatuon With My Ex Or Dating A Girl Ive Liked For A Long Time

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Askmeanything21 | 10:21 Thu 19th Oct 2023 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers

My ex and i started talking in mid july after 5 years of not talking at all. We quickly discovered that the feelings were still there though we both just got out relationships. From july we speak everyday. About a month ago ae started being physical with each other. Never took long for i love yous to come through, but due to us both coming out a relationship we decided to hangout, see how things go for a couple months before we decide if we're going to be in a relationship or not. In june though before i went in for a surgery, i finally had a conversation with a girl ive liked for a really long time amd got her number. Promised myself once i fully recover in october ill persue her fully. I end up at her birthday, we talk and end up kissing. So now we both know we like each other. Only problem is i now feel guilty to persue. My ex and i broke up due to her cheating on me and me cheating back. Now we see each other once a week though we talk everyday. And that once a week we hangout, enjoy eachothers company and have sex. But its only that one time a week which sometimes frustrates me as it seems im the one who always wants to hangout more. I dont know which situation to go for, but this new girl, i really do like and wouldnt want to put off what could potentially be a fruitfull relationship for a repeat of the past. What do i do?



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Grow up

Move on with a new relationship.  But if you have to choose then I think neither of them.  Go where your heart leads you.  You obviously don't have strong feelings for either of them.

Don't bother anwswering.  User inactive.

Thank you.

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Contemplating Whether To Stay Exploring A Situatuon With My Ex Or Dating A Girl Ive Liked For A Long Time

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