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ToraToraTora | 12:01 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

Such magnificent creatures slaughtered because some chinese bloke can't get it up. Un believable.



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You are making some assumptions there, TTT.  He is an evil man but I don't know how you linked him to the Chinese

"Eagle wings, tails, feathers and other parts are highly sought after by Native Americans who use them in ceremonies."


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a lot of that stuff ends up in Chinese "medicines".

But did these eagles that this man killed end up in China? 


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it does not say but parts of them would have, predator body parts are big there for firtility "medicines". Anyway the main point is the death of 100s of Eagles for no good reason.

You have made an assumption based on no evidence what so ever.

You have taken a terrible story and tried to twist it to meet your own views.

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does anyone want to talk about the slaughter of eagles rather than trying to have a pop at me.

When people do despicable things like this - for whatever reason - words fail me.

It's despicable and he is rightly prosecuted.

What more is there to say?

I suppose the native Americans could argue it's their culture and heritage but does that excuse it?

Chinese men use Viagra (or the local equivalent, Golden Spear) like others round the world; why kill wildlife when you can buy one at your local chemist for £1 or so?

Native Americans can get bird parts for ceremonies legally.

Cows are sacred in India. In the UK we slaughter and eat them.


How is this different ?

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