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Universities Ought Not Demolish Old Buildings

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wepayurbenefits | 14:07 Tue 18th Jun 2024 | Arts & Literature
9 Answers


creates newer fresh atmosphere

better for our eyes


burden of cost ofc lies with broke Students

destroys school heritage,history

facility unable to be used during renovation

raises doubts of possible corruption with construction companies

unlike firms, Universities arent held responsible financial decisions bc they arent for profit group.i personally believe schools also need to bear no less  accountability and  liability than corporation

11 year later it was decided to be demolished.stakeholders voice has to be heard.,72519168,72638199,72638200



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Stud life ? Sounds like the website for me !

god go to the site - the Dorm looks like a run down Motel.

Please understand tha a building in England that is 100y old is not old. This is

One of the photos shown the stairs ( it is the photo with a LOT of stairs in it - Like hogwarts) to the cathedral dorm 1300CE latest


But there are statues and busts of slave traders and imperialists that do need to be removed.

sleeping in the arms of a statue? I have never tried and I used to be a right likkel drinker.

and remember henry VIII tried it ( scrubbing or  erasing) is with ALL the monasteries 500 y ago - and his sleep it was never  the same after that

Why remove anything?  They are references to history which need to be kept.  Update insulation and sympathetically restore to utility givin modern demands.

It is a massive failure and NO  NO to sweep chunks of history aside, many saved for history as art (the subject of artworks which should be preserved as such).  

Without history, flattering and non-flattering, we wander unguided.  Preservation alongside modernisation is the answer.

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Universities Ought Not Demolish Old Buildings

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