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I'm No' Deid

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murraymints | 15:11 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
62 Answers

Hi folks   😀 a wee peep in just to say hi...  not been on for ages..hope you are all good and behaving life is poodling along, summer, such as it was seems to have gone and the nights are drawing in... still busy in the garden with lots to do before the close of season.. 

still got the long covid but just learning to live with it now.. I expect a few ABers have departed the earthly coil..I heard about Sqad....very sad and the world is a less interesting place without him...

Hope you are all nice !  xx



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Awww thanks 🙏 for all your kind would indeed be nice to get our family back together without the disruptive egocentric few... Friday and it's poooooooring Doon here so will be confined to matters domestic indoors today, there's a paint pot shouting at me to get on with the bathroom..but gas man calling and visiting friends over the's on... might pull on the wellies and scatter some autumn lawn feed.... Hope you all have a fantastic Friday and nice xx😁🙏

Don't be a stranger, Murraymints!

It is nice to see you popping in!

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