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Can You Change Your Sexuality?

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RucaLeone | 05:01 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

I'm not happy with my sexuality. Actually ashamed of it. Is it possible to change it?



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no. we're all stuck with it i'm afraid and anyone who tries to tell you they can change it is trying to abuse you and exploit you. 
05:27 Fri 06th Sep 2024

Hi untittled ! I dont see how you can talk about sexuality without mentioning sex

It might be me

Hi peter! 

i agree!

As said, you cant change it so as long as your preference is legal just embrace it.  If you do I am sure you will find many others similar.

Enjoy life it is too short to worry about what other people think!

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Can You Change Your Sexuality?

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