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Well Done Minnows

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Canary42 | 23:53 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Football
5 Answers

The Minnows (San Marino) have their first win.      

Congratulations lads.



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Well done, indeed, San Marino - although it has to be admitted that a country with a population of 33,000 beating another with a population of 40,000 probably doesn't really constitute 'giant killing' in the world of football!

Same point as Buenchico from me. Liechtenstein were also near the bottom of the world national  rankings in 199th place below footballing minnows like Pakistan and Gibraltar. Still, San Marino will be delighted.

Lovely news 😊

20 years without a win?  I hope that it won't be so long before the next win.

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