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smurfchops | 17:01 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

Tooth whitening powder.  Going to give it a try.  Just wondered if drinking tea and coffee will lessen the effect once I start using it.  I don't smoke.



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It almost certainly will, as will drinking red wine.  

unless you drink it thru a straw

Them you end up with puckered wrinkles round the mouth

Have you checked the company out on the register at Companies House?

Seems like a very pricey product considering the "active" ingredients eg calcium carbonate (ie chalk) are so cheap.

When I used to smoke I used Eucryl tooth powder - it was great for removing all stains including tea, coffee and red wine. It's also a heck of a lot cheaper on Amazon than My Sweet Smile!

I used Eucryl and Pearl Drops 😊

The active ingredient is Pentasodium Triphosphate, commonly used in toothpaste including Pearl Drops £3.50

...and Eucryl has the similar dicalcium phosphate (along with the chalk). As I said, all cheap ingredients.

Yes, indeed. You have to use the product after brushing your teeth with your usual toothpaste.

I wonder if any result is due to the extra brushing and being conscious of what you eat and drink


I just gave up being concerned about my less than brilliant white teeth. I suspect most isn't stain, but more likely thinning enamel anyway. Given that, I'm unsure I want to grind colour away.

I've tried everything MySweetSmile Powder was the only thing that has ever worked for me, wife agrees to - we've been ordering from them for a while

Another option recommended by dentists is natural whitening. Dr. Ellie Phillips, a practicing dentist for over 40 years, has developed an affordable home teeth whitening system.

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