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18 Year Answerbank Anniversary

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fruitsalad | 18:04 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
63 Answers

It's been 18 years tommorow, since I first joined answerbank, my Dad introduced me to it, he was also a member, until his death in 2009 its been very helpful, over that time, how long has it been for you?



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It was 18 years on 31 August since I joined.  I joined to ask advice about the new kitten I had got.  That new kitten grew up to be the most amazing cat (ASBO) and he died two years ago yesterday.  

16 years for me, came looking for crossword answers

I started by looking for crossword help as well, chelle.  Then a medical emergency brought dear Sqad and others the next day.  There are so many squabblers rather than arguers these days, so many I miss.

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18 Year Answerbank Anniversary

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