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Got No Memory Whatsoever Of Yesterday. It Scares Me!

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nailedit | 15:18 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Just checked profile.

I posted in B&S. Got no memory at all.

Hardly any memory since Tuesday.

Getting really freaked out now.

If you want to abuse me, crack on. Water of a ducks back now.

But I am seriously confused about having no memory of an entire day...



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I think it would be good if you at least returned to your thread from yesterday to thank a lot of people that stuck their neck out for you:

....and yes I am stilll on the wagon😉

I have woke up twice with no memory of the last few hours of the day before, because I was stonking drunk.

It frightened me. It's not unusual.


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//...and yes I am stilll on the wagon😉//

Stay on it 3T, wish I did😐


15:24 ....Tom jones syndrome?

You appeared to be seriously drunk when you made that post.

Not surprising you can't remember, that does happen (I know, I've experienced it too). So stop freaking out about it, and try to get back on the wagon again.  Good luck.

Did you get the £100 I lent you Wednesday .

No rush to pay me back lol

who cares,  get on with life if that means getting drunk carry on,we all have problems get over it and enjoyed life.

Everything will have dropped into an alcohol-induced black-hole.

It must be scary but you're still here with us and just as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other there is always hope.

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Got No Memory Whatsoever Of Yesterday. It Scares Me!

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