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On 3 September 1939, The United Kingdom Declared War On Germany

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naomi24 | 11:29 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
6 Answers

85 years ago today.  No one could have known then what terrible days were ahead for the world.  Just pondering.



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I remember my Mum talking about that Sunday, the Chamberlain said 'and consequently, this country is at war with Germany' Dad apparently said to my Mum, 'think we'd better put the kettle on', the British answer to everything!

Must have known that war would be no picnic.

It was only a short while before that date Britain signed a treaty with Poland (to defend them in the event of invasion) – Mr Hitler probably thought we would not honour that commitment (he was wrong).

//(he was wrong)//

Some people would rather die than admit they're wrong . . . and so they do.

When the WW1 broke out there was a widespread beneath it would be over soon. I dont think many people thought that when we went into WW2. For the first few months of WW2 in some parts of the country you might not even notice a war was on. Obviously there was mass evacuation of children from the cities but the battle of Britain, The Blitz and the Dunkirk evacuation was still months away in September 1939

I asked OH about this (he was born in 1933) but he had no remembrance at all - said he would have been out playing.

No-one could have known, but people sort of understood and pulled together.  Mum and Dad said that it was a shock - that's all I know.

Pondering is valuable.  I'm convinced that we arenot far off another, similar announcement - but I really, really hope that I am wrong (short of surrendering before any struggle).

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On 3 September 1939, The United Kingdom Declared War On Germany

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