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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:35 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers

MC this time....

Q: What does the fifth amendment to the US constitution protect against?

A: Ransom demands  B: Identity Theft 

C: Self-incrimination

Answer...B! 🤣



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Once again folks, it's not the wrong answer that's the ignorance, it's thinking that Identity Theft was a problem in the 18th Century (December 15, 1791 to be precise).
18:47 Fri 06th Sep 2024

Is that your ambition naomi 😁

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19:15 err I don't think it's me that wont make a vulcan.

Ransome demands is a possibility.

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19:28 no it's not, individual crimes are not in constitutions.

Oh, sorry! Must be C then.

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19:35 by jove I think she's cracked it!

Not really, canary.  Not got the ears.  😂

Oh, here we go again! Yes, contestants make errors, but most times including this one, they aren't a 'They Walk Amongst Us' situation.

A contestant has five seconds to give an answer, often confused after maybe giving a couple of wrong answers previously. Give them a break TTT.

I watch the show, but don't feel the need to inform fellow ABers of my superior knowledge.


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I admit to being thick, cuz i wouldve chosen B! cuz my intuition wouldve told me that A+ C sounded like strange answers!  as for 1791!! you wot? 

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...but you though ID theft was about in 1791?

TTT -  Would you like to see a special Chase edition for the Tory leadership hopefuls.

You can then extract one or two TWAU moments to delight us with.

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why are you so angry? Just having a Turkish.

TTT .... You ask me why I'm so angry. Sorry to inform you I'm not. I could ask you the same question, just re-read some of your replies

Far from being angry, I thought my suggestion about a Chase programme for Tory Party leadership hopefuls was almost as good as some of your suggestions.

Sorry but I can't see a mention of 1791 in yr question?  Was it removed?

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no that was added by canary for extra information. See the BA.

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