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Intrusive Marketing

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Canary42 | 23:47 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

To take up a topic which has arisen in another thread, this morning I received in my mail an envelope which on the back in very LARGE letters had,"Mr Canary, failure to respond within 14 days will result in silver forfeiture". 

This smacks of the sort of threats the TV people used to make in identical fashion until they got battered for it.

I refuse to advertise the perpetrator by explaining, but I regard this sort of thing as unacceptable for public display on mail.



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An interesting and informative thread, except for the lack of any information whatsoever.

No TV adverts springs to mind.

I do recall the awful marketing techniques used in Reader's Digest postal competitions

send it back to them in an unstamped envelope.

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Intrusive Marketing

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