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Bbc Quiz : Week 36

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Buenchico | 20:00 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Good evening, everybody!


It's a 'double middling' week for me, with FOUR out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz


. . . and THREE out of five in the junior one:


So there's plenty of scope for you to do rather better (or worse?) than me!


Your turn, anyway!



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Thank you, Chris for your good wishes, and thank you sandyRoe for your lovely message too! x

4 and 4

Question Author

Well done, SJ!

Joint top!

Ta! 😁

Good evening, Buen x


3 😁 

Question Author

Good evening, Patsy!

Oh well, it could have been worse, I suppose 😁

Better luck next week!

Thank you 😀

Very proud of my 5/7 in the main quiz. Not because i scored a 5, but because i got the cricket q

...question correct.

Don't know how my answer was curtailed??

4/5 in the junior quiz - got the cave question wrong.

Question Author

^^^ Well done, Ken!

Despite cricket being what I'd call one of my 'specialist subjects', I managed to get that one wrong!

Question Author

^^^ Crossed posts!

Well done, indeed, Ken! 

Adding in your impressive junior score takes you right to the top of the leaderboard!

2/7,1/5.It has been an eventful week, refereeing from 9 am until 6 pm last Saturday, bit more mouse flinging from Puss Puss whilst Bailey observed, bin men declined to take my recycling bin as someone dumped their non recyclables on the top of it once I had gone to work and my Mum got admitted to hospital ( nothing life threatening, just needs sorting). Hope your week has been quieter and all is good with you and yours. Off to Norfolk today.

Question Author

Hi, Campbellking!

I'll put your low scores down to sheer exhaustion then, shall I? 😊

I hope that your mum is out of hospital, and bossing you about (because that's what mums are meant to do), very soon!

It's good to hear that Puss Puss and Bailey are being proper cats 🐱

(My lot are all fine, as am I, thanks!)

If you can get through passport control at Lowestoft or Diss, why not come and visit lovely Suffolk while you're here in East Anglia?

. . . and lastly, find yourself some better bin men! 😁



Mainly guesses.

Question Author

Hiya, Rocky!

Not too bad for guesses then, I suppose!

Better luck next week though!

5/7 and 4/5. Not bad for a duffer like me! Some guesses though! 😃

Question Author

Well done, 10CS!

Joint top with Ken!

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Bbc Quiz : Week 36

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