Adverts - Purecremation Etc. in The AnswerBank: TV
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davebro3 | 15:55 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | TV
12 Answers

"They did Millie proud" - aye they burnt her to a crisp!

At least the sausage rolls were good.

Curaleaf: "We know you have questions." (questions follow)

"It's OK - we have the answers"


grinds my gears😡

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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TV advertising is expensive.  Curaleaf's campaign team have recognised that they can't fit as much information into a 20 second ad as they'd like too, so they've used that limited time to direct potential users of the service to the company's website.  It makes perfect sense to me!

Seems unreal the way he's lying in the bath nearly salivating over getting cremated!

Yes, just why is he lying in the bath?!!

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Another of their offerings has a couple with the guy trying on a new suit - apparently the deceased wanted everyone to dress in red at her post-cremation bash. So this gent has to go to the expense of getting a new (red) suit. 🤣

"Yes, just why is he lying in the bath?!!"

He's a sweaty fat bloke with an inner ear infection who falls down in the shower and there's nobody around to reacue him so he floats in a pool of his own waste.

Happy to help. x 😁

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At least Sun Life's Derek & June seem to be taking a welcome break.

The made to measure recliner add makes me laugh. That 50 year old woman sitting their hair done, dressed up ready to go to a party, the salesman kneeling down beside her waving a tape measure round her legs in all directions, with the whole family looking on almost as though their waiting for her to open an Xmas present or fart with happyness because she having a over priced chair.

Not everyone has computers or "smart" phones. The older folk likely to need the info/service are less likely than most. Implying answers are on a website is a dodgy idea.

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If they gave the slightest indication of what "Curaleaf" is all about/what it's for then it might make some sense. And NO I'm not inquisitive enough to be tempted onto your bloody website!

Well OG the whole family is sitting there watching along with grandkids I'm sure at least one of them has got a smart phone or desktop/ laptop?

The new Purecremation is also a laugh, its granddad that on the ladders with his head in the loft, daughter and son inlaw at the foot of the ladder on about cooking him. If its a hot day just shove him up the rest of the loft, close the hatch and raid his bank account.:0)))

Here you go Dave:


Medical cannabis has been legal in the UK since November 2018. However, prescriptions may only be initiated by a specialist doctor, like those here at Curaleaf Clinic. Our doctors can prescribe a range of cannabis-based products that are produced as medicines to treat medical conditions and illnesses

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