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Cat poo coffee

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MmeBadely | 10:29 Mon 02nd Jan 2006 | Food & Drink
12 Answers

I heard recently about a very expensive, but supposedly delicious, coffee that is made out of the poo of cats.

Has anyone tried it? And, if it is as good as it's made out to be, where can I get it from?



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Hi, I read stephen fry gave prince charles some of this coffe apparentely its fed to some type of cat in peru and then when it has been through the digestive system the beans are collected. Its supposed to be wonderful but at about 150 pounds a cup is beyond my pocket its probably available at fortnum and mason or harrods but until I win the lottery I won`t be trying it maybe someone else will know more,
I've heard that you can get a monkey poo coffee from selfridges, I'm not sure what it tastes like or if it's any good.
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Okay, I didn't realise it was THAT expensive! In that case it doesn't matter what it tastes like because I can't afford it.

On the other hand I DO have a cat and some coffee beans. Hmmmm.

these are civet cat and weasel coffees. cant think why anyone would want to drink they. but good luck!!

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Hi Wendys, yeah the same thought crossed my mind in a sort of dazed way, how the hell would somebody know this in the first place anyway??

qapmoc and wendy - truth is stranger than fiction.... the reason this stuff is so expensive is because its rare to find a whole, unchewed, coffee bean in the cat poo and its also hard to find the poo of these wild cats.

mad why anyone would try really... i hear nescafe is quite good...

I agree with WendyS. I can't believe what I am reading. Has everyone gone mad?
cool!!! i am going to try that one on me hamster!! wish me luck!!
Theres a compnay called 'Edible' which specialises in strange foods and they have Civet Coffee and Weasel Coffee which costs �15-25 a bag and it is really really nice. You can buy it in Selfridges in London.
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