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Labour Mp Clueless Of Illegal Immigrants

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webbo3 | 18:14 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
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^.... there's NO REAL answers...

"^.... there's NO REAL answers..."

The boat people know that once here the likelihood of them being removed is negligible. They also know they will be accommodated, fed and watered and be able to find casual (i.e. untaxed) labour should they fancy it.

As I have said throughout, there is a real answer: the only effective soluion is to physically prevent them from landing here. There is no party likely to form a government which will advocate that in any way. But unless and until that is done, any utterings by any politician are, at best, just platitudes designed to quell the increasing anger of the population and in most cases is simply obfuscation or downright lies.

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Labour Mp Clueless Of Illegal Immigrants

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